The Humble Roots Blog is a way for you to be heard. Designed to bring all poetical, lyrical, musical, and etc. under one roof. It doesn't matter what age, color, gender, or creed. To have your material posted email with your name and your material, if you have a blog please send us the link to your blog as well so we can send readers your way for more.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
The Purpose
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Passions Prisoner (Collaboration)
I can't help but to be prisoner to your passion
Bound by the emotions running through my body
Losing track of time and acting irrationally
Restrained by the fears of what was and what is
So I approach lightly not knowing the challenges
Trying to find a balance of too little and too much
I know I should slow down but too addicted to touch
Constantly yearning to taste your lips
Lost in passion kissing on your thighs with my hands on your hips
Toes curling, back arching, desire flowing
Where this will all lead to I am not knowing
But hoping that the unkwown is never
Wanting no end to come of this pleasure
So just keep me as your passions prisoner....
By: The Poet Q and Ms. Bonita
For more from Ms. Bonita leave a comment or email us @
For more from The Poet Q visit
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
The Vent
You, the ones you stick your neck out for, when the tables are turned won’t even open
the front door, as my anger begins to swell you can tell I haven’t been able to deal
with this all that well. Karma is a bitch to some but she is a knight in shining armor to me , standing hear
waiting patiently for her arrival. I share a office and sit right across from my rival, not
knowing the plans i have in my head to end his survival. I try my hardest to remember
the principles i have read in the bible, but it’s my own fault I have become this homicidal
this bottle of liquor has become my pacifier, but if I said it didn’t make the situation worse
i would be a liar. my surroundings are slowly decaying me, the women of my dreams
seems to be getting less and less of my time i just keep reassuring her our life is like
wine it'll just get better with time. It’s cold in my mind with heat on outside
life and death is where I collide, with my own personality i try to coincide two fingers
to my head I salute suicide... the weight off my chest i try to blend in with the rest
but i am different, I am the real and they represent the fake, in my situation there is just
so much more at stake.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
The Curse
left in the past with time. The gift and the curse, memories
equipped with vivid pictures alongside words I could
quote like scriptures. When tempers rose you floated away,
where was I when you needed me? Probably somewhere
stuck in some twisted fantasy, fancy that I put you threw
hell when I was in search of heaven. Father forgive
me because I’m lost in space, my eyes closed in search
of your face. I don’t know how long I can keep this pace
war in my mind with a piece in my hand. The gift and the curse vivid
pictures bombard my mind, things I should’ve forgot with time.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Gaining Oneself
And gained love in life
Found a purposeful passion
Through kids and wife
Stumbled upon joy
In the midst of turmoil
Struggled with nightmares
Only to make true my dreams
Searched for a reason to smile
All while swimming in a pool of tears
Broke free of chains
Created by fears
Progressed from just fine
To walking sunshine
Walked through hell
With only success on my mind
And no room to fail
To reach the gates of heaven
And a touching story to tell....
By: The Poet Q
Friday, August 2, 2013
a glove. The moment when you're supposed to let go and im
supposed to hold on, you go on bringing up old wounds
things buried in my mind, but seem to resonate in yours.
My heart turned cold two summers ago, and yet Ive keep
you warm. What kind of man am I? don't give me love mixed
with hate and not expect the same fate. All men make mistakes
so should we all be burned at the stake??? The snakes slither
in the grass hissing venom in your ear. But when you use the
spot light they freeze in place like deer. Ive given up my life and my dreams
willingly, but I have to come home to you grilling me. Go, Walk away
leave me you don't have to please, I just want to walk the road of life
with ease. How can you ask the question why don't you stay if every
moment your pushing me away? The scars of yesterday cant heal over
night, so don't push me away for trying to make it right.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
"one is the magic number"
I apologize, y'all know what I really mean;
It's just that my minds fucked up right now ,
Everywhere and nowhere at once;
You live and you learn,
But if you don't take notes you're a dunce;
So go ahead wear the cap nigga,
Go ahead gimme that NECK, and a slap on the back of ya cap nigga;
It's like it's all a dream,
Prophetic of course, cuz when I wake;
All the screaming and fighting, laughing and crying,
Breaking and dying...
Is the state.
Who is there to talk to?
There's just me
By: Afromaven
Monday, July 1, 2013
mind so stuck in the sublime she misses the bus of life man at home
thinking of wedding bells, while she in the streets selling booty tales. Where
along the road did you fall off? Late night corner walker tendencies
mixed with the things you telling me, so quick to hop in the sack. No delay, "do I look fat?
no lady but i think you live in the wrong habitat because you a animal, I Would
call you a pussy cat but you have dog tendencies with those puppy eyes you
giving me now you calling me harsh and insensitive but when I was thinking commitment
you aint have a shit to give. I think imma act like jay-z and just let you live. Party girl
by day when the sun set she back to her good girl act, undercover lover but we all
know what she do below. if only she knew what real love do, thinking him begging
for ass is a sign he love you . She needs to get on her knees and pray to the one
that’s above, because confusion He lacks , the same mind state He could put you
in that, it’s a cold world out there baby, you can’t change the thermostat.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
I have been blessed
With the strength of two of you
But unfortunately I have strayed
Too close to the sun
Out of time, I am out of time
Only a few grains remain in my hour glass
And living in this very moment
I will bask in it like it is my very last
These moments are for family
These moments are for friends
My world has rested on your shoulders
You have been there for me
Even as I reach my end....
By: The Poet Q
Thursday, June 20, 2013
can make it go away. David had Goliath but I can’t slay my giants,
knowing I should walk away instead I choose to stay. I know God
said be slow to anger but the further I am from that, the closer I am to danger
no stranger I am to this concept. I try too hard to mold you, like a deck of
cards seems too easy to just fold you and start from scratch. I attach emotions
from the past and hang it from you never even giving a chance. As this wrath
has its dance but maybe I could romance with the thought of peace, peace of mind
peace of heart, married to this anger till death do us part?
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
My Brothers Keeper
Am I my brothers keeper?
Yes I am
I'll protect my own
I'll kill my fellow man for my brother
His family is my own
If he has not
Then mine shall become his home
Am I my brothers keeper?
Yes I am
If he passes before his son grows
Then I will teach him to become a man
If he leaves this earth before his daughter grows
Then I will tell her that everyday she is a queen
Am I my brothers keeper
Yes I am....
The Poet Q
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Beautiful Mystery

Sunday, May 19, 2013
My Apologies
I still love you even though sometimes it doesn't seem like I do. I can't even explain how I feel when I cross over the threshold of our home and I see your beautiful face with all its grace asking questions about my day and helping me relax from a long day. I been a little detached lately with all the things I've let bombard my mind even when I'm with you. I can't apologize enough because I can't even imagine the emotional distress I've put you through.
For it to take a turn like this was very unexpected. To tell you that I did it all for you would be the farthest thing from the truth. I know I still need you beside me but my ego tends to override my better judgment and tells me there is no one else in this world that lives with my troubles but me. I still love and cherish you and when I'm far from home I reminisce about the day I proposed to you. My apologies for the turmoil I've put you through and I pray that once again I get lost in your eyes and end up where I belong which is right next to you.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Memory Lane
came to my mind, my homie from day one always pushing
me to do something better. Coming from our neighborhood
Where dudes just focus on making the chedder, mula, green or whatever you
wanna call it. On the weekend we played like alcoholics to forget
the pain of friends past vivid pictures of murders bodies chopped
up in cars, or dumped in garbage cans, memories where haunted. The
good times is always what you flaunted we planned to get of the block
and maybe make it to the league, but with time crime is what became our
intrigue. We would go to the clubs at night and act a fool we was just two
teenagers to cool for school, ups and downs heartbreaks we shared at
the same time I keep an eye on your girl you kept an eye on mine.
When my folks tripped about passed curfews, your mom would let
me crash on the couch. that’s just how tight we were. Sitting now years
later thoughts become a blur, as i see the different paths we took you
got life behind bars for being a crook, and vows with my wife i took.
Our lives could’ve been published in a book, it would’ve been called brothers
from another mother, walking away from this pen and pad, because old
thoughts tend to smother.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
deep thoughts make for shallow tendencies, of
this i am guilty. Lock me up and throw away the
key, question mark or exclamation point. This is the
life i created often questioned but never debated, why
are the haters so silent but the most opinionated? I digress
change of pace like a lack in interest, words taken in the wrong
context i sit here staring at a wall perplexed wondering what i
should do next looking threw a concave lens when it should be
convex. Modern colors on a beautiful pallet who am i to judge
withered exterior and a hard heart that wont budge.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Just A Game By JCII
Monday, April 29, 2013
My Nightmares....
My nightmares are reminders of all the bad things I've done.
I try my best to forget once I awake
But the terrors of my past I can't seem to shake
They've been more vivid as of late
And always sneak their way back in when I'm alone as topics I contemplate
Whether it be karma or twisted fate
I guess I've finally been served full circle with my wrongs on a plate
Sooner or later I figured the problems I pushed aside
Have become the very problems that give chase
Nothing like trying to hide from yourself
Because you've become the very things you hate
Praying for a second chance hoping it ain't too late
But what a tangled web I've weaved
Hopes for clarity so myself I deceive
Attempting to drown my evils through alcohol and weed
But it only seems to bring out the worst in me
So in the end once again my nightmares have become reality....
By: The Poet Q
Monday, April 22, 2013
Letter To My Unborn
rolling stone, a apple that fell to far from the tree rolled down his own path
and tried to make his own history. I would start by saying i love you and im
proud of everything you do. Be true to you, take care of your mom
stick to her your love will be like glue, remember God in everything that you do. When you
look in a mirror your father likeness you will see, your personality, your looks all that you got from me.
Don't forget strength in your self, rise above average don't let people determine your self worth,
be kind to strangers because that is how you network. Do unto others as you want to be done to you
don't lie keep your nose clean and mistakes you wont have to undo. I know there will come a time
you will be lost in search of your own identity, get on your knees and pray each day to the holy trinity.
I tear up as i write this letter i wish i could've been there to guide you, keep you away from harm.
But instead im here in heaven looking down on you and all the things that you do. Above all know i
love and i will always be proud of you.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Intellectual To Sexual....
But tonight for some reason things have become sexual
The body language you sending me is enticing
And my pressure is rising fast it's a little frightening
Until you sat on my lap and started kissing me
Now I know the feelings real and you want me also
My hands are running all over your body
I hope this is what you really want cause you got it
We're about to explore a new way to relieve each others stress
And it's even better because we both been feeling this way for awhile
We tearing each others clothes off
Things are getting a little hot and a whole lot wild
As I lay you on your back
You holding me tight, gasping like you having a heart attack
The way you saying my name
Is motivating me to hold nothing back
I would have never thought our interactions could ever
Go from intellectual to sexual....
By: The Poet Q
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Why Do You Stay?
I don't do this, I should've done that
Why do you stay? listen to what you say
He did this, and he didn't do that
Why do you stay? listen to what you say
You dont pay attention, and did i fail to mention you neva listen
Why do you stay? listen to what I say
If I aint shit, then why don't you dip no need to
roll words over those lips. no need to trip you
should've been out of gas by now.
Why do you stay? listen to what you say, on second thought
No need why don't I just leave.....
Thursday, April 4, 2013
And This Is For....
This is for my brother, see I'll probably never utter these words to you but as little as we speak and even though we only share a father I got mad love for you. I still look at them pictures we took that one summer. I wish you could of kept visiting and maybe that would have changed the words I want to say to you but they seem to always go missing.
And this one is for you.... I grabbed a liqour bottle to drown my sorrow, closed my eyes, saw your face, heard your voice and wished I could undo all the mistakes of my yesterdays and tomorrows. I'm happy God blessed me with your presence, you turned a cold heart warm again then left it unaccompanied and unnoticed. Even if we never cross paths again I just want to say thank you for those few good moments.
By: The Poet Q
Man In The Mirror
I know you, when you wash your face, im there in the sink with you.
I caught you looking at lil mama ...yea I winked too.
When you were ducking those bullets, I was taking cover with you
When your heart broke, I was broke too.
When you lost your self I couldn't find a reason
blinking twice was like the changing of a season
drowning in a 80 proof pool looking for a life guard
and I found you. Chasing a dream in the wind , like a
note at sea, when I see you I see me, staring at a mirror
thinking patiently.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Women Script By Shadina Richardson
So this is how I approach the situation. Either you fuckin with me or there are no negotiations. I'm the chick who keeps it 100 from the start. I don't condone in any confusion and my judgements are not based off of the illusions i see. I got a lot of pressure that needs to get off me. I'm built for the truth. I put my principles before pride strength before the nine. My worth is before yours and I'm closing all my doors from the past. Every nigga was like every nigga. Abused their excuse of no father figure. Stuck up in they ass is an in denial stick that twirls around having their owner do tricks. Settling for lust and a quick fuck. These niggas belittle their thoughts and got their girls in a category. I'm a different kind of breed with a different script I don't play the roles of being pimped. My script consists of certainty and respect and if that's so hard to give then you'll be left. My script consists of that kinky passionate sex. Where I nibble on your ear and you place hickies on my chest. Where I'm grabbing you and you're grabbing me and our souls intertwine and dance free. Where you grab my hair and fill my insides with love so sweet and serene. Look me in my eyes and see the pleasurable pain that's inflicted, embraced, enchanted, no race, just the pace of our flow the light from our glow. How can you be real and lie? You weren't even trying to be a man and take your stand for what you believe so now I'm basing shit off of what you perceive of me, who you think I am. Fuck all that you saying. If I was fake I wouldn't be breathing. Take a seat and listen to a real bitch. Watch how I walk and the content I believe in. All the doubts that been benefited is like dust in the air its now time for you to be aware. when a woman bundles her trust to give, You're suppose to protect and respect it for as long as you live. You niggas mistaken me as a hoe if sex was all you wanted you should've said that before. You fuck with hoes get hurt by hoes and now think everyone a hoe. Not me. I'm the bitch that trusts passionately. wanting you to take a grasp of me. Wanting to do it all without you asking for shit. I'm ride or die. so before you approach me and decide to throw me in your category make sure the scripts apply. I'm too real to be apart of your story
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
The Corner
like looking down the opposite end of a scope
when everyone around you push dope.
Peter pans lost boys run the street packing all types of heat
when numbers like 5-0 an 10 to 20 don't add up they multiply
and equal a negative. Mommas mourn there sons where cars pass by, they wont look
twice, the old heads stand in alley ways and hustle dice while
The little kids share dinner and even sleep with the mice.
Like Tarzan in the jungle we act like animals, we devour each other like cannibals
Cereal for breakfast and spam for lunch, we look to sports or rapping
in search of dinner. Dad said act like a man talk like a man, how
can we when the only one we see is in the mirror? This life is like a
puzzle trying to find all the right pieces, I say look in our eyes that's where you'll
find Jesus.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Second Chance
I'm slipping into a comatose state
I've lost hope of recovering, it may be too late
Gone is the illusion of self control over my mind
And the reality of losing everything is only a matter of time
Solid ground disappears from under my feet
Even though panicking, my soul is at peace
Senses are heightened, another level of self consciousness achieved
My eyes are sealed shut, still the world I see
Visions are clearer than ever before
It's like I can see the future
And I'm hungry for more
My soul has stepped outside of my body
I am on my way to be with the Lord
All of a sudden a flash of white light
And I'm in a hospital bed with my family walking through the door....
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Imagine That
your like a figment of my imagination
a fairy tale trying to come true
beautiful blue that's what i call you
in the night you burn bright ,
but in the day you bring night
fear is the crutch , but you make
me handicap. Standing next to ..
but spinning in circles like a hub cap.
Running life circles , you seem tired baby
I think you should take a nap..pain is beauty
I hurt every time I see you. Attempting to pull
myself together is my mission, like walking
threw a room of strangers..with no tension.
Road map in hand searching for the real you,
Like a figment of my imagination, trying to
come true.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Poor Man's Poetry
This is poor man's poetry. I can't talk about the finer things in life cause I've never had the opportunity like it wasn't meant for me. No fresh clothes and no shining jewelry. Barely got pennies in my pocket to rub together. I'm in need of medicine cause I feel 6 feet under the weather. I didn't make it out of grade school cause I was trying to be like the pimps and the dope boys cause they was so cool. Now look at me; old, dirty, and lonely. Not a single shelter would hold me, and not a single person that said we were homies would ever open their homes to me. See I'm living in a box begging on the corner for money so I can buy some beer and smoke some rocks. I'm no junkie but in this winter weather it's the only way for me to get hot. Can you understand my logic, probably.... not. See this is poor man's poetry. I can't talk about the finer things in life cause I've never given myself the opportunity, like it just wasn't meant for me....
By: The Poet Q
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Kiss You
what if I showed you my heart
would you build it up
or tear it apart? Should I lay down
my guard? So your troops
take over my life's boulevard.
You tempt me with your every
emotion, running smooth over my skin
like lotion. Eyes tender, lips gentle
I need you more than I want you.
What should I do , if I could've missed you.
thinking what you'd do if I kissed you.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Back Stabbed
You was acting crippled so I supplied the crutch only to be betrayed like Caesar and such. Now you seem just fine like there was not one time I gave my hand to help you even as I am more stunned than scarred by the blow you just dealt. I don't know if I understand or believe how could something go so wrong when it seemed genuine and heartfelt. Maybe this is a dream or a sick joke because for this to be a farce is all I could hope. Pinch me, push me, slap me this can't be happening. How could someone I gave everything to be the one that stabs me....
By: The Poet Q
Losing Focus
sometime i trip sometimes i fall, but somehow
i stay in control of it all. Few see but many know
so how can you judge by looking from head to toe?
I pour a potion to bring myself into focus, and end up
losing more of the same I need a love ,a life to keep me sane.
I put my hand on my chest where is my heart? When do i begin
where should i start? Circumstances came threw an tore me
apart. Point me in a direction so this journey i can embark.
The journey for my soul, the journey for my heart.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Heart to beat an the lungs to breath
Be my eyes to see and my feet to walk
My body hurts and my mind is tired
Live your life and be mine at the same time
Let me give me, and you give you.
If love is the goal meet me in the end zone.
Kiss my heart an give it life.
I wake up an see your beautiful face in the light.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Words Never Said....
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Seas of Stars
wind whistles with your voice, singin to me life's melodies,
shooting stars are like tears over meteor shower tragedies
creation anniversary, turned to a catastrophe,
apocalyptic scene with distortion in the galaxy
See my thoughts swimmin in a sea of stars,
creation theory big bang and my mind is God.
no doctrine or religion when i used to live in Eden,
burnt in hell now in purgatory on the waitin list to heaven
lost my sun now i'm losin my orbit
solar winter froze the heart and life with it
duelin with demons tryna ascend with the angels
Tryna see things from all perspectives and angles
mind and heart tangled emotions got me strangled
chokin on my words while we playin hangman
keep sayin the wrong words and the noose got me danglin
created my world with care but circumstances keep on challengin
heart and mind at war like light and dark fight but always balancing
black holes swallow stars, but pray with my star it ain't happenin.
Metamorphic mind metaphorical signs
intertwined in my universecreating a galactic design
It's Everything or nothing in this world of mine,
I'm father time gave heart to a woman so sublime
no blood when it beats just love so timeless
No heart no pulse love to death flatlines..
By.. Megg
Friday, March 1, 2013
My Dreams
In a way they all come true
All of the ones that don't involve you
I've died a couple times
I survived once but that one was with you
I've seen the world crumble right next to me
Only to wake up to the world crashing down on me
Sometimes I dream about my last breathe
You stand in the background emotionless each time
Are these dreams some type of riddle or rhyme
I see my future when I close my eyes
You are always somewhere nearby
Maybe I've lived twice in this one life
One awake and the other in my dreams
Chasing you but everything else I seem to be catching....
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
A friendship like ours so rare, so real, no one could understand why our bond was ever so deep. Years upon years this friendship has grown into a love that we thought would never go cold.
You use to keep my secrets and me with yours. But then in the blink of an eye you up and changed,and now I know it will never be the same. No longer the person I knew for all these years,you betrayed me for something so very simple. Gone are the days we use to share,
you were my best friend, my cousin, my sister, but then you betrayed me for something so very simple.....
You gave me hope an i gave you peace. You always said
someone would lose and in the end you where right.
When i figure out who, I will let you know in the mean time
sleep tight , hold yourself warm.
Monday, February 25, 2013
What We Know
We ride all night looking for revenge
Pouring out some liquor in remembrance
No one says it but we all praying for deliverance
That friend was like family and we'll never forget
It's how we came up, it's what we know....
When she hold you down
You always keep her on your side
Through good and bad you know she going to ride
You probably still cheat on her, them facts you going to hide
You'll never leave her, together forever until y'all die
It's how we came up, It's what we know....
Every Sunday we in church
Saying amen and claiming rebirth
The moment we leave though
We smoking and drinking calling our women bitches and hoes
It's how we came up, It's what we know....
We sit on the block ready to die
At a moments notice we ready to ride
The OG's taught us the game
So for the lil homies we going to do the same
It's how we came up, it's what we know....
By: The Poet Q
Sunday, February 24, 2013
The Way I See Pt. 2
I see it in all the negative ways possible
The world will punish the hard worker
Spit in his hands when he lifts them for water
Dying of thirst and skin bloody asking for a home
Instead of showing gratitude for all that he has done
The world gives him a bed in something cold, wet, and dirty
Take everything from him even try to take his soul
They want to destroy the man they fear
They know that hard work will persevere
They don't understand that it drives him
He feeds off the negativity he loves it
He refuses to be crushed by any man
In God alone he trusts
They fear him so they try to destroy him
That's the way I see it....
Saturday, February 23, 2013
First Time
i had choices, she chose left and i felt right, paths crossed
What was done behind closed doors came to light she didn't think i knew
but i knew enough to lose, lose trust ,lose heart, lose life
you must have done this before, this cant be your first time.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Way I See pt.1
This world I see so differently
Maybe that's the reason you choose not to listen
Or even the reason you can't hear me
Even with these parallels I feel you moving near me
I'm not sure if your intent is to understand or kill me
Whatever it may be please tell me what you expect from me
These games you play only annoy me
Shall we play the cards dealt or do you dare to try and fold me
No matter how warm the room maybe you only get the cold me
All emotions bottled up in these black eyes of mine
Loss of feeling in the tips of my fingers and heart
Is the disguise I wear, its some what misleading
It keeps things quiet for the moment it seems safe
Before you carry out what you came here to do
Let me tell you about the way I see it....
By: The Poet Q
Monday, February 18, 2013
The Little Things
The little things, its the little things that make dreams come true
The little things, the little things that drew me to you
The little things you dont see
The little things, its the little things that make up me
The little things, its the little things that provoke you to anger
The little things, its those little things that lead to that ring on your finger.
Hearts Stealer
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Defining Me
My skin is dark like oil, my eyes are red like fire, and my blood boils. I doubt you can comprehend my struggle. My skin is dark like oil with scars covered by ink. I've been told its a blessing and it means I'm royal. I might have the skin of a prince but to be judged by this blessing as if it were a curse can sometimes make my soul hurt. Even if I had a choice I'd keep my skin dark like oil....
My skin is dark like oil, my eyes are red like fire, and my blood boils. I'm tired, I haven't slept in days even when I try my problems start to intrude my mind robbing my body of rest. Sometimes I drift for a moment only to awake to my troubles waiting to rob me of peace and my eyes are still red like fire I'm tired....
My skin is dark like oil, my eyes are red like fire, and my blood boils. Anger is my fuel it drives me, within me hate resides. You see it in my eyes, hear it in my voice. Attempted to change but came back worse than before. I will not tolerate disrespect and between my red eyes and oil like skin my blood boils I cannot lie I cannot pretend....
By: The Poet Q
Friday, February 15, 2013
Just My Thoughts
while i grind for mine like a alley rat, guns make tunes like ratta tatta tat
the skinny kill the fat an the fat keep eatin bombarded with explanations for no reason
when the weather heat up you know its killing season. The Lord said the least will be the great amongst
these so where do i stand head above the rest of these thieves. thinking about my ancestors an how they hung from trees,
and how a white man stood by and watched with ease. No im not racist no not at all, but i pump the black power fist were i stand and until i fall .
Acceptance i never looked for but eyes looked down on me as soon as i stepped through the door. Hearing my name an expecting war
but seeing a color and thinking no more. I wish i could've sat down with martin and malcom for a word of advise
so they could tell me something that would scratch my head like lice. Roll the dice life is a gamble, good choices seem bad and bad choices seem good
a better life we make for ourselves we wish we could.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Be My Valentine
In your eyes i see the perfect imperfections
A walking contradiction where beauty meets humility
Where the eyes are the windows to your soul, an all i see
I want, I need. I sit across from you wondering what goes on beneath
that beautiful exterior. God blessed the world when He sent you
and all i want to do is make all of your dreams come true.
With the face of a goddess and a body so devine baby will you
please be my valentine.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Miles Away
All because of me, the hurt that i put her threw the pain i inflicted
she deserves the universe, and i cant even give her the world
what kind of man am i? In search of me an she got lost.
she hurts but still stayed, she hated me but continues to love the man i am, what kind of girl is she?
the things i said i regret the hurt she went thru she can never forget
and she sits two feet away, yet her heart is miles away.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
emotions bleed threw an leave stains on my exterior for everyone to
interpret. Talking in riddles in-order to make sense
only when im confused do i understand how lost I am
spinning in circles trying to walk a fine line.
There's no turning back, but the road ahead ended miles ago.
All road signs lead to me, but where am i? Lost in plain sight
I always knew life could be dangerous.
My Sons
My sons are truly a blessing from The Lord,
They brought me joy like never before;
I protected and nurtured them with such demand,
Who on this earth can love them like their mother can?
Their burdens, their cries I try to bare,
Always want them to know that mother cares.
Like a prayer warrior I'm constantly down on my knees;
Asking the Master To take care of them, oh Lord help them please.
Bring them through the rain and calm their storms,
Let no one hurt them, and keep them from scorn.
My sons are not perfect this I know,
But love conquers all and that is for sure.
One important thing my sons, never forget,
God gave me you as blessings and now my heart is content.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Goodbye My Love....
I can't do the drama & stress love
So I'm walking out the front door
Goodbye my love
I'll miss you & it'll probably kill me
Cause I'm a man who thrives off love
But you slamming the gavel like a judge
And I'm held in contempt
Cause you don't want to open your ears to the truth
I'm coming in late cause I'm working for you
At least I gained love to know how it feels to lose
You beating your own heart so there's no need for me to abuse
You fill my time with arguing
When I want to spend it peacefully with you
But I'm still deemed guilty of our time misused
I can't stand to see those tears fall from your face
So let's sit down one more time
But this time open up and accept the truth
Even though you are my love
I can't do the drama & stress
So it's goodbye my love....
By: The Poet Q
Friday, February 8, 2013
I loved you but you hated me
I put Faith in you an you doubted me
I gave you reality an you gave me pulp fiction
I moved mountains for you an you dug ditches for me
I stood up for you and you layed down for him
I wish you success , even tho you failed
Give it sometime and you will see life, the life
you couldve had with me.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Sweet Dreams
Bodies collide I start from the bottom
of your being and work my way north,
not obeying any traffic signs. She moans
then screams, pleasure is the goal but pain
is the avenue. We drive wild from dusk till
dawn breaks, neither of us apply the breaks.
I want her but she needs me as we draw nearer to our
destination she takes a breath, like it will be her last
eyes search for life amongst the stars. Then she comes crashing down
from Jupiter, she holds me and i whisper love in her ear
She sleeps anticipating our next journey, sweet dreams baby.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
They Tell Me
So tell me why that white man
Pulled a gun on me and said
"Nigger get away from my store"
They tell me racism doesn't exist anymore
But these confederate flags still fly
And nooses still hang from trees on their property lines
Or my school's mascot was a colonel with a whip
But they tell me racism doesn't exist
When I enter a room they change the way they talk
They think it will be easier to relate because of my race
As I speak with intellect surprise comes over their face
But they still insist
The ism by which I am judged is not my race....
The Poet Q
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Lost And Found
lost you to the hurt the pain
the pain of mistrust an lies
Lies of the past an memories of a future
A future absent me and i see
See me without you, when you found me.
Right Girl Wrong Time
She kept my heart warm in the winter time
She was the right girl wrong time
She gave me shade when it was bright outside
She was the right girl wrong time
When life was just to much to bare she gave me a place to hide
She was the right girl wrong time
When passion gave light to love is when we began to collide
She was the right girl wrong time
In her i still confide,
She was just the right girl wrong time.
By: Brian T. Thompson