Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Just A Game By JCII

Ambitions of living the life like a famed Martian, from a planet out of sight. Or hoop dreams of living like jump man, a legend, and taking flight. But these mere dreams are out of reach for I can't move like a bishop nor jump like a knight. Though not alone in this world as i look to my left, to my right. I find myself on the front line of this fight. Those who strive to succeed will strive to achieve even though they are only a me. One move at a time, no time for a mistake. One slip up on this board will decide your fate. Ever so careful, moving forward towards my goal, reaching the other side while holding on to my soul. Never forgetting where i came from as i venture down this path. To become the most powerful player is within reach, and the others will feel my wrath. But even still, reality is a bitch, that much can be seen. Because no matter how much i accomplish as a pawn...i will never be king.

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