Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Purpose

Forget the future you built as a kid, when you get older you see
the failures of your youth and the things you did. Set the past in
motion when the circumstances of life rock you back and forth like
the ocean. Praying that dead end job don’t drive you past success at
a hundred miles an hour off the cliff of insanity. Then when you thought
you found the love of your life and vows get exchanged, kids become involved in
 the equation, two plus two equals me minus you. After eighteen years of
co-parenting,  graduating gowns are hung. You realize to your children
you were a hero un-sung. And you sit back in your golden years and reflect on the
things you could’ve done better, you find, open , and read old letters.
With tears in your eyes you know the end is near and there you lay without fear,
with the voices of your love ones flooding your ears. Right before you take your
 last breath you understand everything in your life was apart of a magnificent
plan. Nothing that happen will ever come to pass again. Now its on to judgment day
where you face the demons you struggled with from within.

By; BTT 
@PoeticalJustus(The Poet Q/ BTT twitter)

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