Thursday, April 4, 2013

And This Is For....

This is for my sister, we ain't blood related but I've watched you from elementary school to college, and listened to all your stories about the boys that dared to hold your heart hostage. I can't seem to tell you anything now that you're grown, but I'll still send you random messages to put a smile on your face the next time you check your phone.

This is for my brother, see I'll probably never utter these words to you but as little as we speak and even though we only share a father I got mad love for you. I still look at them pictures we took that one summer. I wish you could of kept visiting and maybe that would have changed the words I want to say to you but they seem to always go missing.

And this one is for you.... I grabbed a liqour bottle to drown my sorrow, closed my eyes, saw your face, heard your voice and wished I could undo all the mistakes of my yesterdays and tomorrows. I'm happy God blessed me with your presence, you turned a cold heart warm again then left it unaccompanied and unnoticed. Even if we never cross paths again I just want to say thank you for those few good moments.

By: The Poet Q

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