Monday, February 25, 2013

What We Know

When we lose a friend to tragedy
We ride all night looking for revenge
Pouring out some liquor in remembrance
No one says it but we all praying for deliverance
That friend was like family and we'll never forget
It's how we came up, it's what we know....

When she hold you down
You always keep her on your side
Through good and bad you know she going to ride
You probably still cheat on her, them facts you going to hide
You'll never leave her, together forever until y'all die
It's how we came up, It's what we know....

Every Sunday we in church
Saying amen and claiming rebirth
The moment we leave though
We smoking and drinking calling our women bitches and hoes
It's how we came up, It's what we know....

We sit on the block ready to die
At a moments notice we ready to ride
The OG's taught us the game
So for the lil homies we going to do the same
It's how we came up, it's what we know....

By: The Poet Q

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